JAWS High angle shot - The high angle shot is used from an elevated perspective to really add drama to the scene. In this shot from jaws, the high angle shot is used to give the emotions of terror and suspense of being that high up above the boat in the middle of the sea. It also brings fear he may fall down. Low angle shot - low angle shot is one in which the camera is low and looks up at the character, making them larger, more formidable and menacing, or, tall, regal and powerful. In this scene the low angle shot is used to portray a girl swimming in the middle of the Ocean. The low angle added tension to the plot this hint what is about to happen. Long shot - The long shot is a shot that remains distant but not too far away. The setting takes up most of the space in the frame. The main character or what the scene is focused on will fit completely in the frame and nothing is cut off. In this long shot it captures a women swimming in the ocean alone at night; this shot adds tens...