For "The hostage" Film opening, there will be 2 characters. A young girl and a Child kidnapper.
- The Young Girl (Talya)
Boo from Monsters Inc. will be our inspiration. Although Boo is extremely young than our actor (me), we can still revolve our character around her. Both characters find something in their house that doesn't belong and seems unusual, Boo having the monsters and the young girl having the kidnapper. Both characters are being represented as innocent by their costume; Ponytails, baby face, and pjs.
2.The Kidnapper (Katie)
Katie will be the role of the kidnapper, the antagonist. Typically Kidnappers are stereotyped to be old, creepy, and male. Although these stereotypes are common, the identity of our kidnapper will not be revealed, leaving it for the audience to interpret. The kidnapper will be wearing a creepy mask, leaving its face hidden. To elevate the mysterious character, the kidnapper will be wearing all black, gloves, and holding a weapon. The kidnapper is kidnapping these children for the motive of money, but this will not be exposed till later, after the opening of the film.
Our inspiration for this character is "The Grabber" from the Black Phone. Although their intentions aren't exactly similar, 'the grabbers' character is being hidden behind a mask and we will incorporate the same mannerism.
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